Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Baby Gift Ensemble

I am really enjoying getting to do a lot of sewing right now and I have been trying new things, such as this version of a "Boppy" pillow cover from "Made by Marzipan" called the "Poppy Pillow Slip Cover".

I have a friend who recently had a baby and thought it would be cool to make her a "custom" cover for her nursing pillow!

She likes the mustache theme and is into camo, so I made a matching bib and burp cloth to go with the Boppy cover.

I found the pattern for the bib at "Alice and Lois" and the pattern for the burp cloth at "Cloud 9 Fabrics".

Supplies/Tools Used for this Project:

Fabric - Alexander Henry Fabrics, Nicole's Prints, De Leon Design Group DE#7567 A "Where's My Stache?" (2011)
Fabric - JoAnn's, Flannel, Gray Camo
Pattern - Poppy Pillow Slip Cover - Made By Marzipan
Pattern - Bib - Alice & Lois
Pattern - Burp Cloth - Cloud 9 Fabrics
Thread - Coats & Clark - 100% Polyester - Gray S910 H6 600
Zipper, 18"
Straight Pins
Sewing Machine - Janome New Home 49360
Clear Tape (to tape PDF Pattern Pieces together)

This combination made for such a cute baby Gift!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog!

For more up-to date craft goodness and some fun, crafty live chat, Like/Follow my Facebook Page Stuff-n-Such by Lisa. 

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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Hello Crafty friends!

I have been absent here on my blog for awhile, have been concentrating more on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube lately as those social media platforms seem to bring me better results.

But, I am wanting to get back to blogging on a regular basis and hope to do that soon!

One new craft adventure I have been on lately, is learning about Art Journaling (aka: Junk Journaling), Mixed Media and Altered Art.

I am so inspired by some of the artists I have discovered on YouTube and Facebook!

I am still learning, so I do not have any completed projects to blog about yet, but I'm hoping that will come soon!

In the meantime, thought you might like to check out my Pinterest Boards on these subjects and get some inspiration yourself!

Also, if you'd like to watch the replay of my Coffee, Crafts & Chat that I did on this subject, just click on the link below:

Thank-you for stopping by!

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Vintage Pattern Giveaway!!!


Well...Hello there!

It's been just a wee bit since I've posted here...I've had a lot going on the last year and wanted to focus more on actually doing some sewing and crafts rather than talking about it a lot!

I am back though and wanted to share with my followers this great giveaway I have going on:

 Stuff-n-Such Vintage Pattern Giveaway

You can win 5 Vintage patterns of your choice and a $25.00 Amazon Gift card too!

Lot's of great Vintage Patterns to choose from, including: Simplicity, McCall's and Vogue!

Just click on the photo above and it will take you to my Google Form where you can enter the giveaway!

All of the rules and details are on the form.

Good Luck and come back soon! Lot's of great crafting goodies to come!

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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Cinderella Princess Dress for American Girl Doll

Well, It's been a long while since I have posted...about 9 months in fact! 
That's just crazy, but I've had a lot going on with my health and just getting priorities straight in my life!

It's good to be back though, and I hope I will be better about posting on a regular basis now.

I've gotten so behind that a lot of the projects I will be posting will be several months to a year old, but I'm hoping they will still be of interest to my readers/followers.

I love to sew and as my regular readers know I've been sewing a lot of doll dresses lately specifically American girl doll dresses! 

Here is one I made for my precious Grandgirl "B", a Cinderella Dress from Simplicity 5705 view C.

I have three granddaughters and two nieces who love dolls so I stay pretty busy cranking out those outfits! 

I suppose I would consider my sewing skills to be somewhere between beginner and intermediate. 
Even though I've been  sewing since I was a child I've had large gaps of years where I didn't sew at all. 

And for that reason I sometimes struggle with the more difficult patterns and working with fussy types of fabrics. 

I can't tell you how many times I cussed while trying to sew these princess outfits with these sheer fabrics such as tulle, satin and crêpe! 

I look back on it now though and am grateful for the experience!

 If I can get good at sewing these little tiny doll clothes with such difficult fabrics hopefully I will be able to do an even better job on regular size clothing!

When I first bought this awesome pattern, the Grandgirls and nieces were immediately smitten with all the pretty styles and each one picked out their favorite for me to make for them!

          I started with the Mermaid dress, which I made and blogged about here

Then I made the Belle dress for my Grandgirl "J" and thought I was going to end my stint making tiny princess doll dresses!

Fortunately, after a bit of time passed...I was ready to give it another try and make the Cinderella dress for Grandgirl "B"!

She had been so patient waiting for it...and I didn't want to let her down.

I was surprised to find that this one went much smoother than the first two!

It makes sense I suppose...after struggling with the first two and a lot of trial and error on those dresses, I was finally starting to understand all of the pattern instructions and how to work with the difficult fabrics. 

I had a little bit of trouble making the "pouf" sections around the waist of the dress, but a call to Simplicity and a google search or two helped me figure it out!

I usually post a photo showing what tools and supplies I used for a project, 
but somehow when I completed this project, I forgot to take a photo of the supplies and tools, so since it has been awhile...I won't try to gather all of those things up for a photo, but I will put this list here for reference:

Tools/Supplies Used for this Project:

(Note: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”)

Fabric - Cotton/Broadcloth/Poplin? (Not sure exactly as this was a scrap piece) - Used to make the lining/interfacing of the bodice.
Sewing Machine - Janome New Home 49360
Ribbon, White Satin, w/Silver Accents, 5/8", Christmas House Brand (For Trim on Bottom of Skirt/Dress)

My sweet Granddaughter "B" was so happy, and that's what matters most to me!

Hope you enjoyed my post!
If you did, please leave a comment below, pin or share my post!

Thank-you for stopping by my blog!
Hope to see you again soon!

This project/post is linked to the following Link Parties/Pages:

 Sew Historically Link Party

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Spider Web Door Hanger For Halloween

It's hard to believe that Fall is fast approaching and that Halloween is "creeping" up on us!

Of course what would the Holiday be without a little "Craft Lightning"??!!

This awesome series has been hosted for a few years now by Angie at Country Chic Cottage and Carolina from 30 minute Crafts and it is always so much fun!

This edition is highlighting Halloween and is co-hosted by: Jen Goode from the blog "100 Directions".

I have been collecting bottle caps for awhile, just imagining all the crafty possibilities they I decided it was time to try and use some of them up before Hubby asks that inevitable question..."What are you going to do with those?" 

At first I wanted to make a Halloween-themed wind chime, but soon discovered that in order to make these babies "chime" I would need a ton of them and couldn't possibly get it done in 15 minutes or less, so I moved on to a simpler solution: a Door Hanger!

The most obvious thing I could think of that resembled the shape of the bottle caps was of course a pumpkin or a spider and I settled on spiders and a spider web!

This project was so easy to make and really the only time consuming part was taking the rubber seals out of the bottle caps. For this reason, I recommend you purchase the regular metal bottle caps that are made specifically for crafts, that don't include that seal.

If you aren't in a hurry though and you don't mind the tedious task of removing them, then by all means go ahead and recycle/upcycle!

Here is a short slideshow/video I made of how I assembled this project:

Here are the tools & supplies I used to make this project:

Supplies/Tools List:

(*Disclosure: Some text may contain affiliate links) 

Wire Clothes Hanger
Pop Bottle Caps
Cricut Cuttle Bug Embosser (To Flatten Caps)
Black Spray Paint (Krylon)
Wood Block and Nail (To punch holes in bottle caps)
Hot Glue Gun (AdTech Dual-Temp)
Glue Sticks (AdTech Multi-Temp)
Lace, Black (Remnant from stash...brand unknown)
Lace Trim, Black (Remant from stash...brand unknown)
Paint Pen, Silver (Marvy/Uchida DecoColor)
Decorative Bead Trim, Plastic, Silver (Hobby Lobby)
Needle Nose Pliers
Nylon MonoFilament (aka:Fishing Line)
Metal Scribe and/or wooden popsicle sticks

Be sure to check-out all of the other Halloween Goodies in this series by clicking on the info-graphic below!

Thank-you for visiting my blog today, hope you found some fun and inspiration and will visit again soon!

(*Stuff-n-Such, Lisa Hall, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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Thursday, July 21, 2016

DIY Sewing Cards for Kid's

It's Craft Lightning time again and this one is all about Scout Crafts!

I remember as a young girl attending Brownies and Girl Scouts was always a fun adventure and my favorite part was all the crafts we did!

These organizations always taught such good values and important skills as well.

Sewing was one of the skills I learned back then and this project is a very basic way to teach beginning sewing skills!

I first did this project with my Grandaughters a few years back, to help teach them to sew and now I am proud to say my 8 year old Granddaughter has graduated to using a sewing machine!

As you know, I love to upcycle/recycle things in my crafts and these sewing cards were no exception.

I used old cereal boxes for the cardboard and printed out cute and colorful pictures/graphics from the internet to paste on the cardboard.

I found that the pictures looked better if I used a drier type glue to adhere them to the cardboard, such as "Zip Dry" glue which is used a lot in Scrapbooking projects to preserve the integrity of the photos and not make them appear "lumpy".

I made two versions of the cards, one with small holes for older kids and one with larger (and less) holes for the little ones.

I used some washi tape to cover the edges and poked the holes using a metal scribe on the small holes and the Crop-a-Dile II from We R Memory Keepers for the card with larger holes.

My Granddaughter who was 6 at the time was able to help with almost all of the steps in this project, so I would say it is perfect for any Scout troop with children ages 6 and above!

She was mighty proud when she was done...and so was little sister!

Here are the steps for making the sewing cards:

Here are the Supplies and Tools I used for this project:

Tools & Supplies Used:

Light to Med Weight Cardboard (such as a cereal box)
Photos or Graphics printed out from the Internet
Paper Trimmer, Fiskars
Razor Blade (Adult Use Only!)
Glue, Zip Dry
Wax Paper (Not shown in photo above), to cover photos/graphics while drying glue with pressure
Heavy Book or Flat Weight to aid in drying glue on cardboard smoothly and firmly
Metal Scribe Tool
Crop-o-Dile II, We-R-Memory Makers
Washi Tape, Scotch Brand
Yarn (Variegated, Multi-Color)
Colored String (Variegated)
Needle, Plastic (for yarn)
Needle, Metal (for string)

Be sure to stop by the other blogs featuring these fabulous Scout Crafts that only take 15 minutes or less! 

Just click on the Info Graphic Below.

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope you will find this project useful and fun!

This project/post is linked to the following sites/link-up parties:

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Father's Day Dresser Catch-All for Dad

Time for another round of  Craft Lightning and this one is a first...a Father's Day theme!

I really had to wrack my brain for this one...I am NEVER good at gifts for men or even boys for that matter!

I guess I just typically like the "girly" stuff...but fortunately while cleaning out some storage areas on our property, I came across this old crusty tool box (carrier) that hubby was going to throw out because apparently it had outlived it's him anyway!

I knew that I had this Craft Lightning post coming up and I thought surely I could think of something to make from this for Father's Day...and It finally came to me...a "catchall" box for that special "Dad" in you or your children's lives.

I don't know about the guys in your life, but I know my son's and my hubby in particular are not super concerned about where stuff goes when they are tired after a long day at work!

This catch-all will help keep them organized and not lose those important items they need for the next day or in the near future.

Perfect place for a wallet, work ID badge, watch, spare change, neck ties, fitbit, and a wedding ring or other jewelry for those guys who can't wear them at their jobs!

Really the hardest part of this project was getting the old, rusty, grubby tool carrier clean!
I'll have to admit that it took a lot longer than 15 minutes to do that part alone, but of course you don't have to start with something in such bad can always use a nice wooden box purchased from your local craft store and skip the cleaning step!

I just like to re-purpose old stuff that is headed for the landfill...if I can think of a way to make it useful.

I tried to only use tools and supplies that I had on hand for this project and this time that almost caused a big craft "fail", because the spray paint I used was some paint that had been in hubby's garage stash for quite awhile and I didn't realize that older spray paints can lose their air pressure after awhile and cause spotting.

If you look closely, you can see this is what happened to my project and I started to panic, because I didn't have a lot of time to start over...but after spraying the rest of the project I started actually liking the mottled/splotched look of the made it kind of gritty looking...more like it was suited for a man, so I left it be and hoped for the best.

Here is a short video of the steps I took to make this project:

Here are the tools/supplies I used for this project:

Tools/Supplies List:

(*Some Text May include affiliate links)

Old Metal Tool Carrier/Toolbox
Primer Gray Spray Paint, Rust-Oleum
Spray Pain, Blue
Cricut Explore
Cricut Design Space (Online Software)
Plantin Schoolbook Font (DAD)
Indie Art Cartridge (Wrench)
Freezer Paper, Reynolds
Recollections Turquoise Geometric Patterned Scrapbooking Paper, 12x12
Fiskars Paper Trimmer
Ruler, Wooden
Ruler, Plastic, Cricut
Sharpie Pen, Black
Non-Slip/Grip Material (Not sure of the brand, I had it on hand in my kitchen!)
Aleene's Tacky Glue
Krylon Workable Fixatif
Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Gloss Sealer

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and I hope you liked my Father's Day upcycled project!

Be sure to click on the graphic below and see all of the other great projects brought to you by other creative bloggers.

Many thanks to the hosts of Craft Lightning also: Angie from the Country Chic Cottage, Carolina from 30 minute Crafts and Danielle from Busy Mom's Helper.

See ya next time!

(*Stuff-n-Such, Lisa Hall, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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