Monday, May 13, 2013

15 Minute Craft - Ceramic Tile Photo Magnet - Mother's Day

Another Mother's Day has come and gone and I hope all of you who celebrate it had a wonderful day!

I was blessed in that I was able to spend it with 3 of our 4 children and 4 of our 5 grandchildren.

We really missed my mom and our son Rickey and his family, but I am thrilled to say, we will see them all soon!

Our family had a Mother's Day Brunch which has become a tradition of sorts in the last few years.

Every year, I struggle to think of a unique and special gift to give my sweet Mother-in-Law, she prefer's no gifts really, which is kind of my motto also, since the older you get the less you need.

Don't get me from the heart are always welcome, but the best gift of all is time with your children and grandchildren! That is an immeasurable blessing indeed!

So, I always like to try and think of something that will bring back a good memory for her or touch her heart and as you can imagine, that often involves photographs, videos or mementos.

The timing could not have been better that I was participating in a Craft Lightning Challenge with Angie at the Country Chic Cottage and Carolina from 30 minute Crafts!

I thought it would be great if I could incorporate a gift for my MIL at the same time.

This lightning challenge requires that you come up with a craft that takes only 15 minutes or less to complete (minus drying time).

A great idea to get those on a limited time schedule to craft when they think they don't have the time!

I racked my brain to figure out what I could come up with that would only take 15-minutes, but would produce a lovely and heartfelt gift for my MIL.

I knew that it would most likely need to include a photo of some sort and a quote or poem about Mother's Day.

I remembered that just a few weeks before DH and I had gone Yard Sale-ing and I found a big bag of small 2x2 ceramic tiles that I thought would be perfect for fridge magnets if I could get them at the right price.

(I got the entire bag for $1.00!)

So, I thought if I could think of something good to use those for, for this project...DH would be proud of me!

(LOL...he thinks  we are gonna end up on that show "Hoarder's" one day if I don't stop collecting that kind of "stuff"!)

I decided to make a photo magnet for my MIL and wanted to make it relevant to Mother's Day.

I scoured (Googled) the internet for Mom's Day Poems and Quotes and found the perfect one for my situation:

"Men are what their Mother's made them" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I chose this because it really say's it all about how I feel about my husband and my MIL.

It is evident she did a wonderful job of raising good men! (4 of them to be husband has 3 awesome brothers!)

The love, kindness and honor that my husband has in his heart shines through in everything he does everyday and I know his mother had much to do with this as she has the same heart and makes our family thrive with happiness and love!

I could not be prouder to be a wife to her son and to call her "Mom"!

After finding the quote I searched for a photo of MIL and DH together that I could use on the magnet and came across this one:

I just loved it because it portray's so much about their life back then as well as our's today!

His family loved to go to the ocean, camp-out and go hunting and fishing.

This photo was taken in 1958 in the Sierra Nevada Mountains at a place called Cold Springs.

DH and I have tried to carry on those traditions in our children and grandchildren's lives as well, so this picture could not have been more perfect!

Here is my completed project/gift:

Here is what you will need to complete this craft:

Supplies/Tools List:

Ceramic Tile Piece, Square, 2"x2" (You can get these at most Home Improvement Stores)
Digital Photo (Cropped and sized to fit)
Photo Editing Program (Photoshop Elements, Picasa, Pic Monkey, etc.)
Quote or Poem of your choice
Font of your choice (I used Papyrus)
Photo Paper (Great White Imaging & Photo Paper - Matte Finish, 92 Brightness, Ultra White)
Ink Jet Printer (Lexmark X4975)
Aleene's Tacky Glue
Krylon Workable Fixatif
Mod Podge (Gloss, Matte or Satin)
Foam Brush
Mini Pie Tin
Wax or Butcher Paper
E6000 Adhesive
Magnets (One or Two, depending on size & strength - 3/4" or larger)


1. Crop and resize your photo in digital imaging software (I used Photoshop Elements & Picasa)
2. Add Text to Your Photo (if desired) using digital imaging software (I used Picasa)
3. Print out photo onto Photo Quality Paper (Matte Photo Paper would probably work best and is what I used) on an Inkjet Printer.
4. Cut-out photo to size of tile (in this case, 2"x2")
5. Glue photo onto ceramic tile piece using a thick craft glue such as Aleene's Tacky Glue (Be careful what type of glue you use here, if it's too watery, it could tear the photo or ruin the image...that is why I recommend using Aleene''s tacky and adheres well without damaging the image.)
6. Let it dry for a bit (15-20 minutes)
7. Spray with a fixative (to protect the image from the initial coat of Mod Podge) - This may not be necessary for all images or printers, but I have had trouble in the past with colored images from inkjets "running" a bit when you brush on the first coat of Mod Podge, so just to be safe, I always use a fixative before I apply Mod Podge or other watery coating.)
8. Let dry for about 5 minutes. (Usually fixative dries very fast, but be careful not to hold it too close when spraying it or you could saturate the image and make it sticky which would make it take longer to cure. A light coat is all you need in this case.)
9. Apply first coat of Mod Podge with the foam brush. (I actually had to thin-out my Mod Podge a bit, because the bottle was older and had been sitting around for awhile and had thickened. That is why you see the pie tin in the supplies. I use that to thin out the Mod Podge when I add water.) (Usually you can use the Mod Podge straight from the bottle with no problems)
10. Let dry for 15-20 minutes.
11. Apply at least one more coat of Mod Podge. (This ensures a good seal and helps the project last longer. You can apply as many coats as you like, just be sure to wait 15-20 minutes between coats and I recommend waiting at least 8-10 hours before trying to wrap or handle any items that have been coated with Mod Podge as it becomes completely cured with time, but can be somewhat tacky at first).
12. Attach one or more magnets to the back of the tile using a strong adhesive such as E6000. (If you have very strong magnets, one will usually suffice, but the one's I had on hand were smaller and not as powerful, so I added two just to be sure the magnet with the ceramic tile attached would be functional)
13. Let dry for at least 30 minutes.

Ta-Daaa!! Your done in in lightning fast speed!

I had intended on getting a photo of my MIL with her gift at our brunch yesterday, but somehow in all the frivolity of the day, I forgot!

But I think she really loved the photo magnet and I know it brought back precious memories for her as will photos from yesterday's celebration do for me years from now.

Hope you enjoyed my post and will stop by again soon to see what I'm up to!

If you have a lightning fast craft to share, be sure to click on the "craft lightning" badge above and add your link to the list!



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Jennifer said...

LOVE this idea!! Something the kiddos can help with too.... Thank for sharing.

condo blues said...

You can make one for Father's Day too!

The Bashful Nest said...

I love this idea. This would be great to use for my preschool class. I am always looking for different gifts for the end of the year. Very creative.


Louise@ElsieMayandBertha said...

What a beautiful present and it looks great in black and white. It's a wonderful personal present.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift! This would make a great gift to give every year with a special picture from that year.